Wednesday, November 26


So today we went over to Nana's to help get stuff ready for Thanksgiving. Madison the other day saw on the end of her show, kids making turkey cookies, so today we decide to make them. She help roll the sugar cookie dough and cut out hand prints. I decide to make the dough a little thicker so they would be soft I thought and this is how they turned out. Madison also decide to make gingerbread men and Christmas trees, but none of them turned out. Next time mommy should read the package so they turn out right. Here are some of the turkey's, Christmas trees, and the gingerbread man which turned into a school bus she decided (the one on the bottom left). Madison is frosting all by herself!
Madison and Nana
Hunter was the one watching to make sure everything was done right.
Hunter didn't last long he was right asleep as soon as the rocker got going. Such a handsome little boy!
Madison licking the knife and then putting it back in the bowl to frost the cookies, but we won't tell. Papa already ate 3 cookies the ones the Madison frosted :) :)
And last Madison with a sprinkle stuck to her forehead and frosting all over her mouth. What a messes little girl we have. But all that matters is that Madison had a fun. And she did!!!

Friday, November 14


So today after the kids had their bathes and were all clean for the day, Madison decides that she wants to color and I said sure, not knowing that she wanted to get out the finger paints and color. Well she won, I was only going to have Madison make hand prints with the paints, but she told me that Hunter wanted to make hand prints too, and that they needed to be blue. So I gave in and we made blue hand prints for Hunter. When I went to get the towel to clean off his hands, I came back to find that he was eating his paint on his hands. She had alot of fun, we tried to do foot prints as well but it didnt quite work, because she didn't hold still and was trying to walk all over my kitchen floors with her pink and purple feet.

I just loved this picture of Hunter so I had to post it, he is just such a happy, smiley, good boy I couldn't ask for better. He's PERFECT!!!

Oh, and a quick story about the lion, Madison has had that lion since she was born, but never has wanted to play with it. Well when we were getting his nursery ready I thought it would look cute with his jungle themed room, so I dug it out of her toy box and put it in his crib. She later sees it there and decides that she wants it back. She didn't win it stays in Hunter crib with him, she is such a stink bug somtimes.

Monday, November 3


Our Handsome little boy is now 4 months old today, I can't believe how fast time flies. Today I took him for his check up, he weighed 16 lbs 6 ozs and was 26 1/4 long. Madison and him both had to get shots today, but I didn't tell Madison she was getting any. So he was first the nurses gave him his shots at the same time, Madison was in front of him saying it's ok but laughing. Once he got calm and was taking his bottle it was time for Madison, she knew when we pulled down her pants she started kicking and screaming "I don't want a shot, only Hunter gets shots." I was also there all by myself Steve had to work. But they are both fine now.

This is Hunter when he was 1 day old, look at all of his dark brown hair. Now it is dwindling away, but he is still so cute!! Happy 4 months HUNTER!!! We love you!!

Sunday, November 2



We had such a great Halloween. We decided to go to our wards Trunk-or-Treating. The kids had a blast. Well Madison loved it, she also loved picking out the candy and putting it in her bag, her choice of candy was suckers so we have a million of those. Hunter stayed next to the trunk with Nana and handed out the candy. Madison loved seeing all of her nursery friends dressed up.

Madison, Mommy & Hunter Trunk-or-Treating

This picture was at Kay's Annual Halloween Party. Steve loved his costume because he enjoyed scaring all his nephews and nieces. Madison had so much fun playing with all the cousins, eating the scary food and doing all the fun games. Hunter as always never got put down, everyone wanted a turn at holding him.

Madison this year helped Aunt Ashley and Mommy carve pumpkins, and by helped I mean, I would scoop the guts out of the pumpkin and she would scoop them out of the bowl and put them back in the pumpkin. She's such a helper. :) We carved a witch and kitty.