Monday, November 3


Our Handsome little boy is now 4 months old today, I can't believe how fast time flies. Today I took him for his check up, he weighed 16 lbs 6 ozs and was 26 1/4 long. Madison and him both had to get shots today, but I didn't tell Madison she was getting any. So he was first the nurses gave him his shots at the same time, Madison was in front of him saying it's ok but laughing. Once he got calm and was taking his bottle it was time for Madison, she knew when we pulled down her pants she started kicking and screaming "I don't want a shot, only Hunter gets shots." I was also there all by myself Steve had to work. But they are both fine now.

This is Hunter when he was 1 day old, look at all of his dark brown hair. Now it is dwindling away, but he is still so cute!! Happy 4 months HUNTER!!! We love you!!


Lauri said...

I love your blog, Nicole! I especially love the pictures of my adorable niece and nephew!! Keep it's so much fun to see your blog!!


Jennifer said...

He is so cute I love those cheeks!!!