Wednesday, November 26


So today we went over to Nana's to help get stuff ready for Thanksgiving. Madison the other day saw on the end of her show, kids making turkey cookies, so today we decide to make them. She help roll the sugar cookie dough and cut out hand prints. I decide to make the dough a little thicker so they would be soft I thought and this is how they turned out. Madison also decide to make gingerbread men and Christmas trees, but none of them turned out. Next time mommy should read the package so they turn out right. Here are some of the turkey's, Christmas trees, and the gingerbread man which turned into a school bus she decided (the one on the bottom left). Madison is frosting all by herself!
Madison and Nana
Hunter was the one watching to make sure everything was done right.
Hunter didn't last long he was right asleep as soon as the rocker got going. Such a handsome little boy!
Madison licking the knife and then putting it back in the bowl to frost the cookies, but we won't tell. Papa already ate 3 cookies the ones the Madison frosted :) :)
And last Madison with a sprinkle stuck to her forehead and frosting all over her mouth. What a messes little girl we have. But all that matters is that Madison had a fun. And she did!!!


Jennifer said...

Daniel says now that we have one of each we are done, we will see. Ilike that last picture of Madison & Hunter is so so cute.

Anonymous said...

I think that that last one of Madison is so cute, I just love her so much, and Hunter too! !